GHP Flip Chart Pads A1 Blank - Pack of 5

SKU: 110019
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£19.99 Ex VAT
Availability: In Stock

 Our A1 Flipcharts are an essential for presenting your ideas to a crowd, class, or meeting. The plain white pages allow for a multitude of uses including, mind mapping, demonstrating in depth concepts, or note taking. Each pad contains two header holes making them suitable to be used with a flipchart easel.


 Our A1 Flipcharts are an essential for presenting your ideas to a crowd, class, or meeting. The plain white pages allow for a multitude of uses including, mind mapping, demonstrating in depth concepts, or note taking. Each pad contains two header holes making them suitable to be used with a flipchart easel.

With 30 leaves per pad these pads will be an excellent addition to any classroom or office. Our A1 Dual Flipchart Pads are available as packs of 5 meaning you can spread them across multiple rooms or stock up when you’re expecting to demonstrate a new concept with a group.  


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  • GHP
Pack Size
  • Pack of 5
  • A1